Friday, November 7, 2008

There Were Warnings

we gnash with a mouthful of broken teeth; eat
each other whole. bellies with no room
for remorse; not instinct, but ingrained, inbred

crushed like statuary amidst unhewn stone,
the gap between what marks the spectrum’s ends.
mottled bleedings inhabit muddied pictures,

otherwise straight lines, any definitive scratched
into lenses; these cameras covered red swirled
on hands, on faces, on everyone: pray

and find solace in the end of the world if
this empire crumbles surely it is the last
and greatest

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bureaucrat As Religious Scribe

it’s an expressionless face in a
three-walled hole of reflection
druids believed that
writing compromised secret
mass long lost to desire,
unresponsive as trained
and memory; for all their work,
only Roman accounts of them
that’s how I imagine him
definitely a him
survived, whatever that’s worth
when I write, my memory
he, who will pass on the orders
to begin the immolation
failed; will the only traces
in fifteen hundred years
any traces of us that we don’t
keep ourselves, gone
of any of this come
back to light as the hand
emperors never light the fire
it would be unconscionable
cuffed stiffly at the desk
producing reports and documentary
but the ashes on an unthinking
lackey’s smooth fingers
satisfied, however, so when the works
of the eternal volunteer elapse
grant a pass in the eyes
of the gods, the state, enduring
without conscious notice the fury
rages inside, demanding to be acknowledged